I used to work for the federal government as Legal Technician. However in 2004, I resigned sensing God's calling upon my life. So the other night, I had a dream that I was trying to get reinstated in the federal government. I was talking to a lady about the process when I overheard a conversation in the next cubicle about me. They were doing a background verification on me and all of their information was correct except my middle name. So, I introduced myself and corrected them. They were offended and began to yell and call me names. So, as the dream continues, a lady then came into the office and accused me of going into her purse and stealing from her....I, of course, was angry by this time and left the office. However, before leaving, I told them that they would hear from my attorney for defamation of my character. At that, they quickly apologized and wanted to right the wrong in order to keep this situation out of court.
As a dream continued, I noticed a man, who was a litigator, was waiting for me as I left the building and he asked me what I wanted to see happen...To make a long story short, not only did I get reinstated, but I did at the same grade and pay as when I resigned; and, I received back pay from 2004 to the present. At this I heard: "Recovery of All!"
After seeking the Lord about this dream, this is what I believe: Not only has God reconciled and restored in my life and family, but I will recover everything that has been hindered, upheld, and opposed in my life from the beginning of my affliction to this present day!
While thinking more about this, God reminded me of the Shunamite woman that helped Elisha (II Kings 8) and was told by him to leave the country due to a famine for which she was gone for seven years. When she returned, someone else had her land so she appealed to the king. When the king of Syria heard that she was the woman whose son was raised from the dead by Elisha, he restored all she had plus he commanded recovery of all the increase of her fields for seven years. God wants us to recover all saints!
This continues to be a time of great transition in our country and all over the world and still remains a season of consecration and prayer for the spiritual warfare is intense. Our prayer and praise declares the victory. This upcoming year is a year of surprises and as well as will be a season of recovery.
Anytime there is great transition there is great warfare and suffering for the people of God, but the key is in paying the price. One must suffer to walk in the glory with God. One must pass the test to be promoted to the next level, and one must experience warfare in praise BEFORE potential and the promises of God are realized.
When Jesus came to this earth there was transitioning. Things were changing because the Plan of Salvation was being implemented. However, Jesus in a sense, was demoted for He was already God in Heaven, but He was willing to change His role and relationship forever for us and all eternity to pay the price in obedience to God's will in redeeming and reconciling mankind back to God...and Jesus recovered all. He has all power in heaven and earth, all knees must bow to Him in Heaven and earth proclaiming him Lord, and there is no name greater in Heaven or earth. Jesus recovered all and He reigns! Hallelujah!! Although the warfare is intense, just know that we will recover all! God bless!