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Relationships: The Christian Man's Point of View

Forgiving Isn't Always Easy, But It's Necessary!

Has something happen in your relationship and you are finding it difficult to forgive your partner? Did they hurt you that bad? Forgiving someone is not easy, but if you are to move on in the relationship, it is something that has to be done. If you don't forgive, it will eat you up inside. You will find yourself at every chance bringing the situation back up. This will not be healthy for the relationship nor will it be healthy for your mind and body.Read more inside...
Christian RelationshipForgiving Isn't Always Easy, But It's Necessary!
By Anthony Small
Has something happen in your relationship and you are finding it difficult to forgive your partner? Did they hurt you that bad? Forgiving someone is not easy, but if you are to move on in the relationship, it is something that has to be done. If you don't forgive, it will eat you up inside. You will find yourself at every chance bringing the situation back up. This will not be healthy for the relationship nor will it be healthy for your mind and body.
Luke 6:37 says: "Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Ephesians 4:32 says: "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you."
How many times have you made a mistake or have offended someone in some way? Just like you want people to forgive you, forgiving your partner is not an option, it is something you must do, especially if you want God to forgive you every time you do something wrong. So, go ahead, forgive and make it right today!
About the Author
Anthony Small, contributing editor for PreachingWoman.com, is an entreprenuer that loves to write for the glory of God. He is the CEO of PreachPastorPreach.com and TakeYourBusinessToTheNextLevel.com web design company. Visit his website at http://www.TakeYourBusinessToTheNextLevel.comor http://www.PreachPastorPreach.com