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Relationships: The Christian Man's Point of View

It's Time to Trust Again!

Have you ever shared personal information with your someone and they told someone else? What about being in a relationship and your partner lied to you? It's because of situations like this, you may now start to take the stance that every relationship is just like your last relationship. You feel as though you couldn't trust them, so you can't trust anyone else...read more inside...
Christian RelationshipIt's Time to Trust Again!

By Anthony Small


Have you ever shared personal information with your someone and they told someone else? What about being in a relationship and your partner lied to you? It's because of situations like this, you may now start to take the stance that every relationship is just like your last relationship. You feel as though you couldn't trust them, so you can't trust anyone else.

Trust is part of the foundation of a relationship. If you don't have it, you will second guess everything your partner does. For every new relationship you get into, you will find yourself holding things back more and more because you don't want to get hurt. However, it's okay to be cautious. But if you find out that you are being overly cautious, this might be a sign that you haven't healed from your past relationship and you are not ready to be in one right now.

The way to deal with this problem is you have to learn to trust again. It is easier said than done. It takes time to learn to trust someone. It comes in stages. However, when you decide to let out a little of yourself and you realize that didn't get hurt from that, then you can let out a little bit more.  You also have to base everything on who the person is, being mindful that they are not that person that hurt you. You can't make them pay for what the other person did to you.


1 Corinthians 13:7 says: "...Love is always trusting..." Another translation of that scriptures says: "...Love is ever ready to believe the best of every person..."  So start the process to love and trust again.


About the Author:

Anthony Small, contributing editor for PreachingWoman.com, is an entreprenuer that loves to write for the glory of God.  He is the CEO of PreachPastorPreach.com and TakeYourBusinessToTheNextLevel.com web design company.  Visit his website at http://www.TakeYourBusinessToTheNextLevel.comor http://www.PreachPastorPreach.com