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The Destiny Diva!

"I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma." The legendary Eartha Kitt's most profound words give added credibility to the fact that the continuing education process is an essential element to reaching one's life destiny. Simply put, learning is a part of life that should never end until life is over. "I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma." The legendary Eartha Kitt's most profound words give added credibility to the fact that the continuing education process is an essential element to reaching one's life destiny. Simply put, learning is a part of life that should never end until life is over. Read more inside...
Nowadays, there are different names for coaches. While the most common kind of coach is a life coach, there are others to include career coach, public relations coach, fitness coach, empowerment coach, business coach, relationship coach, executive coach, lifestyle and etiquette coach, credit coach, finance coach, fashion/imaging coach, among many others. I've even branded myself as a destiny coach. In short - as you can probably tell by some of the names of the various kinds of coaches - a coach is one who has established him/herself as an expert in their chosen area and subsequently shares that expertise with others that need help in that area. But how does one identify a coach? How do you know who to trust? How much are the services? Find out more inside...
you cannot give up on your way to destiny. You may have to take a detour. You may even have to create a whole new path. You may have to stop and get a tune-up. You may have to stop and have an evaluation. That's okay. Do what you have to do. But after you've done what you need to do, I dare you to get back up. Read more inside...
Peace and blessings are wished upon you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. While I am very excited about each of the 10 Steps to Destiny that I've been sharing, I am especially excited about Step #4: Work With Your Gifts. And when I say "gifts" I am referring to spiritual gifts. This is exciting to me because it's an awesome thing to see the Word of God in action; to see people who are clearly operating in the gifts that God has given them.

Grace and peace be unto you again, my dear sisters (and brothers) in the Lord! As we continue on the "10 Steps to Destiny series", let me briefly remind you of the first two steps. Number one was to understand the concept of destiny. You absolutely must know that destiny is a predetermined part of your life, and that God has equipped you to reach it. This truth points us to the second step, which is to have faith. What would our lives be without it? I submit to you that we'd merely be going through the motions without an ounce of hope for a brighter day. And as Christians, we should already know that there is no way we can please our Heavenly Father without faith (Hebrews 11:6). Read more inside...

A major part of my life's purpose is to encourage others. After experiencing and overcoming some of the most devastating disappointments one could imagine, I survived. But I didn't survive for my own benefit alone. No, now I must do all I can to help you understand that you can survive as well. Not only can you survive, but you can also thrive! Read more inside...