Ministry Etiquette
Often, as a minister, you will be invited to give words of expression before the conclusion of a service. This can be challengeing for many preachers as they struggle to resist the temptation to repreach what they have already heard, plug themselves by showing their ability to preach, or simply trying to revive the audience after a long message. What ever the case, it is important as a preacher that you get up and do what you are asked to do, and only that, which is give brief words of expression as requested. Find out how inside...
Have you ever been invited to speak at a ministry event and you were inivited up on to the pulpit, but were a little perplexed about where to sit? Well, you are not alone. This is an issue that every woman in ministry probably has or will run in to during the course of her preaching ministry. However, don't fret, we are here to provide you with a few basic "universal" guidelines that should be sure to help you out! Find out more inside...
This month, my preaching sister, is Women's Month. Do you know what that means? It means that this is a special time that has been set aside where you and I take time from our busy schedules to pause and celebrate each other. Yes, as much as there is to do, and always will be, we are determined that some time during this month, we will etch into our schedules time to reach out to that single mother, female pastor, college student, grandmother, special friend, family member or stranger and let her know that she is doing a great job and we are proud! Truly we understand that doing what you do has not, and is not easy, in particular, if you are single and doing it alone. But, nevertheless, that is why you are celebrated! Because amidst all that is going on in the world today, and [according to the world's point of view] having the odds strongly stacked up against you, you have found a way to utilize your faith, press on anyway and survive. Read more inside...
Somebody help me, please! Have you ever heard that cry or exclaimed it yourself? I have, especially ever since I've been doing the work of the ministry. There have been times, and I mean rough times, where I've gotten stuck on something and have had to either say it myself or have heard it over and over from the lips of some of my ministry friends. In actuality, that's the reason why I was so greatly inspired to write the ministry book, Hooper's Evangelist & Minister's Handbook. It all came about in an effort to help those new and aspiring ministers, who like I in my early ministerial years, are both embarking upon this new territory, have some questions they need answered or are actually simply scared to death about the ministry and calling. (Which are you?) Well, even if you don't want to share your answer, I still want to share something with you and that is, if you need help with your calling and ministry, rejoice, because help is here! Find out more inside...
In laying down some foundational truths about preachers, the Apostle Paul in Romans 10:14 asked this question: how can they hear without a preacher? On the heels of such a question, I further ask: and how can a preacher preach without a voice? If you've been ministering for some time, or you're just joining the ranks, then you know this statement is true: no voice, no preaching. And there's nothing more embarrassing for a preacher than to hear his or her voice going out in the middle of a sermon. So, know this my sister, your voice box is a very vital part of your body. It is this instrument that allows you to articulate God's Word so that His people can hear it and be edified in the faith. Therefore, at all costs, it is important that you be careful to guard and protect it; for it is one of those things whereby we say, "if you take care of it, it will take care of you." Find out how to protect this precious asset inside...
Let's face it ladies, as a preacher, there is nothing more exciting than preaching. (Not even a new pair of shoes can compare!) But as a preacher, how do you get an opportunity to preach? While there may be several ways (at the request of family and friends), it usually happens by God touching someone's heart (a complete stranger) to ask you. If ever you are blessed with someone extending an invitation for you to come and minister, I believe that there are at least five things you should know so that you can respond professionally. Therefore, in this issue, we shall discuss how ministers should respond to a ministry invite. Find out more inside...
Often times when ministers are asked to speak at churches, they are also asked to forward their biography. This piece of information is a brief synopsis about the minister and is basically used to introduce him or her to the inviting church. Because of its importance, it is without question, that every minister should have one, and it should be readily prepared when called upon to solicit it. To make sure that is the case, and that it is one of excellence, let us consider a few pointers: Read more inside...
I don't know about you but during my early years in ministry I was constantly bombarded with questions on what to do after I finished preaching. In other words, do I call for an altar call, lay hands, have a prayer line, or receive an offering? And if so, what is the proper procedure? Another thought was, when I'm done ministering the Word, do I simply pass the microphone back to the Pastor and sit down? In the beginning, as a young minister, it was hard to figure this out and oftentimes I found myself standing there clueless. Find out what to do inside...
Like most ministers, I love ministry and I wouldn't give it up for anything! Yes, it's tiresome, rigorous, and lonely, but I still love it! In fact, through it, I truly found it to be my life's call, passion, and destiny. Often times when I look back on the twenty years I put in as a full-time, itinerant evangelist, traveling across the nation, preaching and winning souls for the Lord, I wonder. Find out more inside...
So, like a bona fide preacher preparing for a ministry visit, you've prayed, studied, gotten your sermon together and now you're ready to go fulfill your ministry assignment. With everything set to go, the only thing left to figure out is what to wear. Unfortunately for a minister, sometimes this can be just as difficult as knowing what to preach. In our last issue, I briefly highlighted a few things about ministry garments. However, because what you wear is just as important as what you say, I'd like to expand my thoughts on the protocol for clergy attire.