Soul Manna
As I began to seek God concerning this year, I asked Him to share with me His desires more of from the Body of Christ in 2011. And with that being said, I feel impressed to share with you a prophetic word for 2011. Find out inside...
Thursday, May 6, 2010 is the National Day of Prayer! I am very excited about this day, because for those of us that will make the time to observe this day set aside by our government, it provides a time where many can be in agreement for God's will to be done on earth and spefically in our country. Created in 1952, this day provides an opportunity for us to exercise our religious liberty particular to pray.
Many of you in your own right have thriving ministries, engaging jobs, progressive churches, businesses, and families; all of which requires you to flow in a specific essence and anointing necessary for these endeavors to be successful. However, often times, the people on the outside don't recognize the sacrifice you to make in order to do all you do, especially when it comes to serving the people of God. They don't see the long hours of study, preparation, and work that is necessary to do what you do and be who you are in Christ Jesus. All they know is that you are anointed and they are attracted to who God is and what He does in and through you. Find out inside, what God has to say about this!
Do you realize that you are pregnant? I bet you are saying, "Who me?... Not hardly", as my mother would say. But, I beg to differ. You are pregnant! Pregnant with purpose and with promise. Many of you sitting full with witty ideas, creative inventions, unique businesses, vital ministries, desires for career change, and for some, real desires to literally have children. However, for some reason, you haven't brought forth…God has given you dreams, and ideas concerning doing ministry differently, writing books, expanding your existing business line, entering new relationships, all for HIS Glory, but yet you have not brought forth!
As we move about through out our day, perhaps channel surfing on the tv or, overhearing conversations from the next table in a crowded restaurant, sitting in a board meeting at work, or merely having a discussion with a friend, it is very easy to become focused on situations and or things that are seen every day. But, I would like to challenge you for just a moment. Consider the things that you can not see. Take some to "see the invisible."
I believe that this will be the year of the Holy Spirit: a year of an abundance of God's presence, His fruitfulness, and the birthing of many spectacular blessings, accomplishments, gifts, ministries, and most importantly, a great harvest of souls for Christ. I believe we are going to experience a new dimension in God that we've never seen before! Will you believe that with me? Join me in looking forward to reaping the harvest God has promised and walking into a supernatural season of the fruitfulness of God!
Let me briefly share with you a few things that I believe will help you as you journey into your season and experience the great harvest that God has awaiting you. Find out more inside...
Let me briefly share with you a few things that I believe will help you as you journey into your season and experience the great harvest that God has awaiting you. Find out more inside...
As I think about the very moment God gave me the vision for, my heart overflowd with joy. I have joy for many reasons, but particularly: Your support has been more than I could have ever dreamed of: your prayers, emails, phone calls, memberships, and every form of support has kept me and my staff encouraged throughout this first year; 2.) I've had the opportunity to meet so many anointed and powerful preaching women that share my heart in advancing the Kingdom of God. 3.) Most importantly, God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as proven Himself faithful to me and this endeavor, and I've truly seen His hand in the midst of it all, and I am sincerely and exceedingly thankful! Read more inside...
We are, or should be, under the expressed understanding that we are not just here on earth taking up space. But, this mission that we are on, which I'll refer to as life (if you will), is a journey in which our primary assignment is to excavate all of the hidden treasures and desires that God placed in us at creation all for the purpose of getting him the glory. Do you want to do exploits? Find out how inside...
"Prayer Will Fix It For You!" Now, how often have we heard that phrase througout our Christian lives? But, the more applicable question is, "Do we believe it?" And if so, are we praying in faith believing that God has his best in mind for us? Find out what Evg. Nichelle Early has to say about prayer inside...
This year has been a year of fulfilled promises, productivity, and forward momentum for many. And, for others, it has been a year of hurt, challenge, and struggle. However, in whatever situation you may have found yourself entreated with this year, this one thing I know is true, YOU are an over-comer! And, I am proud of you, but most importantly, God is amazed with you!